Come Diet With Us
Josie Gibson: 'Losing weight is down to changing your lifestyle – here’s how to do it'

When Josie dropped 6 stone, her four best mates couldn’t wait to follow suit.
We all know that feeling when a friend loses weight and suddenly looks extra amazing. We can’t wait to pump them for information on what they are eating, if they are exercising, and how soon can we get started!

That’s exactly what happened when Josie Gibson lost 6 stone and why she’s delighted to be our latest Come Diet With Us mentor to help her best friends – and you - lose weight like her. And her diet and fitness plan has already proved so effective that one of her friends – Jeanette Anjorin - has already lost a whopping six stone in five months! (read her story so far, below)
'My weight loss has motivated my friends and has shown them they don't have to be unhappy with how they look'
5ft 11 Josie, 28, who last year overhauled her diet and body taking her from a size 20 and 16 stone at her biggest to a 10, explains: 'My weight loss has motivated my friends and has shown them they don’t have to be unhappy with how they look. I’ve taught them not to bother with fad diets. It’s all about keeping your body full with natural, ‘clean’ (unprocessed) foods. It’s not just about losing weight – it’s about feeling good too. You get to an age where you don’t want to feel bad about yourself any more.'
And as Josie recently gained 10 pounds on an all-inclusive holiday in Tenerife, taking her to 10st 12lbs, she says she will be doing the plan with her friends to get ready for summer.
'I can’t wait to back in the gym. I was drinking every night and eating everything in sight. But it’s important to have a treat every now and then, especially on holiday. My weight still yo-yos but this time round I know how to lose the weight so I’m not worried about getting back in shape, and I’ve got my girls to do it with.'
Josie’s friends will be following the same high protein low carb diet she lost weight with – as well as lots of interval training, known to burn fat fast.
She explains: 'People get bored of exercise quickly so we’ll be doing lots of short, snappy circuits so they don’t realise they’re working out as hard as they are. I’m going to take them all food shopping, tell them which aisles to avoid and check everything they put in their trolleys.
'I’ve told them they need to try and make everything from scratch, so they need to be organised, but it can be done! It doesn’t work for everyone but I also find that weighing myself every morning puts me in the right frame of mind. It’s all part of changing your lifestyle and feeling more positive.'
And everyone dieting and exercising together to support each other, Josie is confident her friends will be just as successful as her.
Meet the dieters
Josie’s four best mates – Jeanette, Kate, Denise and Laura – will all be following her 1,250 calorie high protein eating plan, as well as exercising together and doing her 30 Second Slim DVD to lose weight for summer. Josie’s workout concentrates on short bursts of interval training including lunges, squats and sit ups that tone and burn fat in less time.
Follow their progress each week, and even lose weight too on, Josie’s plan at Closer Online.
Jeanette Anjorin
(Josie’s best friend)
5ft 8
16st 10 size 18-20
Target: 12 stone size 14-16
16st 10 size 18-20
Target: 12 stone size 14-16
'I've completely changed the way I eat and don't see it as a diet, more of a lifestyle change'

'I’ve already lost six stone on Josie’s diet since November. I’m really pleased. I’ve completely changed the way I eat and I don’t see it as a diet, more of a lifestyle change. Even my partner Rob Bishop [43] has weight. He was 14 stone and is now 12st 7bs. I also have more energy to look after my son Charlie, one.
My diet before was a late breakfast (if I ate it at all) of buttery toast, McDonald’s for lunch and fajitas or anything with potatoes for dinner. Crisps were the worst things for me. I’d snack on them all day, or chocolate, biscuits – anything for a quick fix. I’d sometimes cook with Rob, who doesn’t live with me, but mainly because I got home late from work I’d just throw something quick in the oven. I don’t drink much alcohol but going out I’d have sugary drinks like vodka and Red Bull or shots.
I’m pleased I’ve already lost six stone but now I need to start exercising to tone up.
I was very active as a child – I did a lot of football and gymnastics - but when I hit my teens I discovered takeaways and piled on the weight. I just ate what I liked and didn’t worry about it.
I met Josie on holiday when she was 16 and we’ve been friends ever since. We’d always been big together and eating was a big part of our friendship, especially on holidays where we enjoyed eating the local cuisine. When she lost all the weight I realised I could too. I’d been considering having weight loss surgery to do it because I wanted a quick fix but luckily she talked me out of it.
The turning point was my son’s christening. My dress was really tight and when I saw the photos it made me realise I didn’t want to look like that any more and I wasn’t fit enough to be a good mum. Also, my GP told me she was concerned as I weighed more than when I was pregnant (I was 23 stone and a size 24-26), which was a real wake up call.
The first few weeks on Josie’s diet was hard but when I saw the results – I lost 9 pounds in a week – it encouraged me to carry on. I’ve already lost six stone and feel happier and more confident and my dress sense is getting more daring.
I work out with Josie and do her DVD. It’s funny watching it as she’s my best friend, but it works. Seeing her results is a great incentive. I’ve also learnt to cook and eat lots of protein with veg and salad. I really enjoy it. I also use Myfitnesspal to track what I’m eating. It’s a good way to keep in track.'
Laura Lock
5ft 1
12st 9 size 14-16
Target: 10 stone size 10
12st 9 size 14-16
Target: 10 stone size 10
'Food is a big thing in our family. It’s the reason I gained weight as we always eat a full English for breakfast, lasagne and chips for lunch and a roast for dinner. I’ve changed my habits and lost four stone in three years with Slimming World to get to from 16 stone and a size 22-24 to a size 14.
'At school I was bullied for my weight and was more one of the boys while the pretty girls had boyfriends'
I work for the family business Kingsley Smythe (we XX) so we’re often away at exhibitions and XX. We eat on the go and when we’re home we always eat big portions and big meals with lots of bread and butter. Snacking on crisps is also my absolute downfall!
When I got down to a size 14 in March it made me realise I could lose a bit more with Josie’s help and get rid of my tummy. We met a few years ago through a mutual friend and have hung out ever since.
I wanted to lose weight for health reasons and already my confidence has really improved. Before I could only buy clothes from Evans and going on a flight was humiliating as I the seat was too tight.
I’ve never been slim. At school I was bullied for my weight and was more one of the boys while the pretty girls had boyfriends.
I really want to reach my target in time for the summer so as well as the meal plan, I’m concentrating on toning up. I hadn’t been to the gym for about six years until Josie took me to circuits. It was so tough! After circuits I thought we were done and Josie made me do a spinning class. I’ve never sweated so much in my life!'
Kate Hancock
5ft 10
11st 12lbs size 14
Target: 11 stone size 10
11st 12lbs size 14
Target: 11 stone size 10

'I know I’m not big but I want to tone up and lose the 12lbs I gained since starting my new job in October as a sales consultant. We always get given treats like cakes and biscuits for doing a good job and I find it really hard to resist. We’ve got a work car park too so I don’t walk as much as I used to.
'I want to look good and feel confident in a bikini'
I’m a single mum to Freddie, four, so I often skip breakfast as I don’t have time to make it, lunch is a chicken salad sandwich, dinner is something fast like pizza. My mum Caroline, who lives with me, eats really well so if I’m home I’ll eat healthily with her.
My worst habits are eating out too much after work – usually Nando’s or Zizzi’s where I eat anything and everything – and drinking. I don’t go out more than once a week but when I do I have white wine, shots, you name it.
I really want to get back to 11 stone because my friend Louise Lambert is getting married in Corfu on June 12. I want to look good and feel confident in a bikini for that. I’ll be flying over with about 10 mates and I don’t want to feel like covering up when I’m there.
I’m confident I can stick to Josie’s diet because it’s so straightforward. I’m looking forward to starting exercise again and feeling better about my tummy.'
Denise Lansdown
5ft 6
17st 3lbs size 18-20
Target: 11st 5lbs stone size 14-16
5ft 6
17st 3lbs size 18-20
Target: 11st 5lbs stone size 14-16
'At weekends I binge on champagne, kebabs and cheesy chips'

'I was a size 12 for years, even after I had my kids (now 30, 22 and 20). But after being diagnosed with cervical cancer at 31, I had a hysterectomy and started putting on weight. Although I like healthy food, at weekends I binge on champagne, kebabs and cheesy chips. I need to cut right back on the booze to be successful at this diet. I recently cut out chocolate completely, which is a good start!'
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