Josie Gibson: Zombie evacuation race for Breast Cancer
Josie Gibson and Denise Lansdown did a Zombie evacuation race to raise money for breast cancer such a fantastic job they both did as well they raised a whopping
£666.00 online & £52 sponsor money Thats an amazing £718.00
£666.00 online & £52 sponsor money Thats an amazing £718.00
Josie and Den would like to thank you all that donated to this worthy cause a massive thank you for your
amazing generosity and support
The Zombie run so I thought id do one from mine and josies experience... about two weeks ago i heard on heart radio that there was going to be a zombie evacuation in Bristol.. so i googled it when i got to work and thought omg that would be so much fun I tweeted Jose the link to say omg i really wanna do this and she telephoned me that night and was right up for it. So the next day i set up the just giving page (thanks to the people that helped me with that) and the donations came rolling in.....too late to back down now. As the time got closer I was beginning to think that I couldnt do this 5k assault course whilst being chased by zombies.. I mean 5 months ago my idea of exercise was getting up to turn the light on... So the big day arrived my daughter Steph came with me and we waited in the car park for Jose to arrive then we had to walk approx 2 miles to the actual event... all the way we were thinking why oh why it was muddy wet and hard going I was knackered before we started lol but then the adrenalin set in and the excitement as we got into the starting field which was full of bizarre looking zombies.. the make up was amazing we lined up, we were the last group to go for the day around a 100 of us in this group. Just as we were about to be sent to the zombies harry, abigail and a few more of my family turned up to cheer us on.... sorry forgot Russ who was already there when we got there (nice to see a cheery face). And before we knew it we were off... A steady Jog to the first obstacle which was a maize of walls filled with some very life like zombies there was much screaming from them and us and also nervous laughter... we got through that with our three lives intact then proceeded on through ditches a stream and another field along the way zombies would come at you screaming and making zombie noises.... then we had to crawl under section of barbed wire and i caught my hair in it and couldnt move forwards or backwards Jose came to the rescue and came back and un hooked me... we ran on to the next thing which was a cargo net you had to crawl under it as fast as you can only to be met by zombies trying to take your lives off of you ..... everyone had kind of got into smaller groups by then our group had about 7 of us in along with Jake and his wife..Jake was a real gent helping all us women out of the ditches as it was easy to get in them but impossible to get out. We where a happy bunch working together to out run the zombies it was hard going because you would walk a bit jog a bit then sprint like hell every time you came across the zombies... we even had to carry heavy amo boxes up a hill to earn a life back... then there was a wall to climb and tunnels to crawl through. We then got to a field where we had to cover ourselves in blood and storm a group of about 15 zombies screaming at them so to frighten them. on the last ditch some of our group had gone ahead including Jake so i slid down into the ditch and couldnt get up the other side so Jose slid down too and proceded to push me up by my arse we laughed so much we didnt have the strength to get out so ended up crawling up the mud clinging on to shrubs and grass... by this time we were covered in fake blood and mud ...not a pretty sight...I was also fading fast we had been at it for an hour or so and i was praying that the end was near... we crossed into the last field and could hear everyone cheering us on so broke once more into a sprint this field had loads of zombies in determined to get our last lives off of us... If you made it into this field with a life when it came to the home straight (about 100 yards) they gave you a life back so you could run like the wind dodging the many many zombies at the end determined to get you we were laughing running and dodging for our lives and we made it then had to crawl under a survivor cargo net to reach our goal......... It was just so much fun and we cannot wait to do it again Josies words to me at the end was I wonder if we could do this for my birthday?? lol Anyway lots of people were asking for her photo so I just kind of slid off to my family aching in places I didnt even know I had... after about 20 mins we then all started the long walk back to our cars....It was a great day and for a fabulous cause...Thankyou to every one who donated xxx
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